The Rising Price of Sanitary Pads: A Challenge to Fairness in Kenya

The recent hike in sanitary pad prices in Kenya has raised concerns about fairness and accessibility for women, as costs have surged from approximately Ksh 100 to Ksh 300 or more. This increase puts financial strain on many, contributing to period poverty, which impacts education and dignity for countless girls. The article highlights the societal consequences of this price increase, spotlighting young girls like Amani who face impossible decisions about purchasing pads versus essential needs like food. It calls for collective action, advocating for government subsidies for sanitary products and promoting sustainable alternatives like menstrual cups to enhance accessibility. Ultimately, the piece underscores that addressing the issue of rising prices is about more than just menstrual hygiene; it’s a matter of gender equality and human rights. It challenges both local and international communities to engage in the conversation and seek solutions that empower women and ensure they can manage their menstrual health without financial worry. The takeaway: the time for change is now, and every woman deserves dignity during her cycle.

Aug 27, 2024 - 17:51
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The Rising Price of Sanitary Pads: A Challenge to Fairness in Kenya

Ah, the sound of a shocking announcement echoing through social media: “Sanitary pad prices are on the rise!” A typical Tuesday has morphed into a collective gasp, as women (and some very attentive men) stare in disbelief at their screens. Are the gods of fairness looking the other way, or have they gone on an extended holiday? One thing is clear: the price hike of sanitary pads is no laughing matter, and it brings with it a wave of questions not just about economics, but about dignity.

The Reality Check

Let’s take a moment to stroll down the aisles of a local supermarket: shiny packages adorned with cheerful colors, promises of comfort and confidence, all beckoning. Just a few years back, a pack of sanitary pads could be snatched for as little as Ksh 100. Fast forward to today, and we find ourselves grappling with prices inching closer to Ksh 300 or more. Is this progress or just a calculated opportunity to rob the average Kenyan woman of her financial freedom?

While the world loves to tout advancements in female hygiene products—from organic materials to eco-friendly options—the stark reality is that for many women in Kenya, this is a luxury they simply cannot afford. With the United Nations estimating that one in ten girls in Africa misses school during their menstrual cycle, the economic burden brought on by overpriced sanitary pads makes the loss of education even heavier.

The Price of Dignity

Let’s address the elephant in the room. Menstruation, once deemed a socially awkward topic, is now slowly being recognized for what it truly is: a natural biological process. A process that should not strip women of their dignity, nor should it demand that they make impossible financial choices. When period poverty strikes, what do we lose? We lose powerful voices, we lose dreams, and worst of all, we lose our future.

In a country like Kenya, where many families are living hand to mouth, prioritizing essentials such as food and healthcare, a sudden hike in sanitary pad prices could mean sacrificing something vital. Picture a young girl named Amani, doing the math in her head: “If I buy these pads, will we have enough to eat this week?” It’s a heartbreaking calculation that no girl should ever have to make.

Calling for Action

So, what can we do? First, it’s essential to amplify our voices. Activists and NGOs have spearheaded campaigns pushing for the government to subsidize sanitary products. Science has shown that accessible period products directly contribute to gender equality. Why not make quality sanitary pads available at a government-approved rate, much like basic healthcare? Providing menstrual health products for free or at a low cost would empower women and enable them to contribute fully to society.

Second, let’s foster creativity in our solutions. The introduction of biodegradable alternatives and reusable menstrual products, such as menstrual cups, has been hailed as a game-changer. These not only ease the financial burden in the long term but are also eco-friendly, allowing women to take charge of their menstrual health sustainably.

Ending the Silence

The rising prices of sanitary pads are a reflection of broader issues—gender inequality, social justice, and human rights. Now more than ever, it’s vital for both local and international communities to band together to support solutions that will offer justice, dignity, and accessibility to menstrual health.

In Kenya and beyond, we must strive for a world where menstruation does not dictate life choices or opportunities. The time to act is now. Will you join the conversation? Because the path to fairness begins with us. And remember, it's not just about pads; it’s about the empowerment they represent.

As we reflect on the rising prices of sanitary pads, let’s not merely shake our heads in disappointment. Let’s make it our mission to demand fairness and accessibility. After all, every woman deserves the right to manage her cycle with dignity, without the insurmountable weight of financial anxiety. It’s time for change—one sanitary pad at a time.

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Otieno Oloo Greetings! I’m Otieno Oloo, a visionary producer from Kenya with a deep passion for creating content that sparks change and inspires the youth of Africa. At aKtive Citizen, I’m at the helm of crafting powerful narratives that educate, engage, and empower the next generation of leaders. My journey in media production is driven by a commitment to using storytelling as a tool for social impact. Whether I’m producing hard-hitting segments on human rights, directing insightful discussions on good governance, or bringing to life the stories of African innovators, my goal is to ensure that every piece of content resonates with our audience and drives them to take action. At aKtive Citizen, I’m not just producing content—I’m building a platform where Kenyan youth and Gen Z across Africa can find their voice and make a difference. With each project, I strive to combine creativity with purpose, delivering content that’s not only visually compelling but also deeply meaningful. Join me in this mission as we push the boundaries of what media can achieve and work together to shape a better future for Africa’s youth—one production at a time.