Mwende Kariuki

Mwende Kariuki

Last seen: 22 days ago

Hi there! I’m Mwende Kariuki, a passionate content creator and advocate for youth empowerment at aKtive Citizen. Rooted in the rich culture of Kenya, I bring a fresh perspective to storytelling, aiming to engage, educate, and elevate the voices of young people across Africa. At aKtive Citizen, my focus is on crafting narratives that not only entertain but also empower our audience to be active participants in shaping their future. From exploring the latest trends in entrepreneurship to breaking down complex civic issues, I’m dedicated to delivering content that resonates with today’s youth. I believe that every story has the power to inspire change. With a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our generation, I’m here to create content that sparks conversations, drives innovation, and builds a stronger, more informed community. Join me on this journey of discovery and empowerment. Together, we’ll explore the stories that matter and build a brighter future for Kenya and beyond.

Member since Aug 27, 2024

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